Bouquet return policy



  • You can cancel your order at any time while we have not yet begun to collect the bouquet for delivery and return the full cost of the order. To do this tell the manager that you need to cancel the order.
  • If the order is canceled due to the fact that the flowers you need for your bouquet were not in stock, we will also refund you the full cost of your order.
  • If the bouquet contains stale flowers, please let us know within 24 hours and we will replace the bouquet. To return or exchange goods of inadequate quality:
  • it is necessary to inform us about the inadequate quality of the goods within 2 hours by sending a photo of the bouquet or composition to The exchange of goods is made within 4 hours after receipt of information from the client.
  • Return of goods from the gifts section is carried out only in cases of integrity of the packaging.
  • The cost of transportation in case of return of goods is paid additionally.
  • The current return and exchange policy applies to all bouquets and flower arrangements on the site.
  • Important: the refund is made to the account from which the payment was made. For example, if you paid for an order using your bank card, we will refund the funds only to this card. For a refund, you must fill out an application. The maximum refund period is 14 business days.
  • We will not be able to cancel your order if the composition has already been assembled for delivery. We will also not be able to issue refunds when you provide an incorrect or incomplete shipping address. If within 24 hours from the moment of unsuccessful delivery you specify a different delivery address within the city, we will be able to deliver your bouquet to this address, the cost of re-delivery in this case is paid separately. After 24 hours from the moment of unsuccessful delivery, the bouquet and delivery are paid again, since flowers are a very delicate and perishable product, and in order to bring the bouquet to the correct address after 24 hours, we will have to reassemble it.

What is a premium service?

100% guarantee
Either the best flowers or nothing
Only in the premium category, our couriers in a tuxedo and with a chic perfume
Delivery to the minute 24 hours 7 days a week
Photo and SMS reporting on every step
We appreciate your time
Minimum waiting time for checkout, 24/7 support, multiple communication options
The client's desire is the law
In addition, we will buy anything, from sweets in a particular store to the purchase and delivery of complex or bulky equipment
Photo-video shooting
During the presentation of a gift, the first emotions are important and, if desired, this moment will remain with you forever.
Design and concept
Flowers in a strict concept, huge sizes, the longest, most unusual flowers
Made on